Tuesday 26 June 2012

Mastering the Basics

Cooking’s a funny one, isn’t it? I mean, I’ve never been a bad cook or poisoned anyone at a barbeque but there are just some things that take a little longer to master. Like the humble omelette. Now, you’re probably reading this thinking that I’m an absolute numpty if I can’t pull off that simple culinary quest but it’s one of only a few things that took a lot longer than most.

Lasagne was my first hero dish and I still have to make it at dinner parties where uni friends will be there. Haloumi with peaches, cous cous and honey mustard dressing was the post-uni, post-gym meal that was so quick and tasty that it’s still a staple today. I even cook roast dinners on occasion, with rather legendary roast potatoes. But the omelette is another matter.

It might be because I never really liked them. Mum made a cheese one for me once and I was sick. I also don’t really like onions or mushrooms, which most seem to include when you’re out and about. But when my sister – the self-confessed non-cook – made one for me, I decided it was time to sort it out. So I made my first one last week with cheese, tomatoes, peppers and spinach. Three eggs to start with so that I had more leeway when flipping. It kind of worked out but I realised more oil would have been beneficial. So every morning this week, I’ve been aiming to make the perfect omelette and, this morning, worked out that actually it’s the pan. A smaller pan with more oil and less eggs worked perfectly and although a good workman never blames his tools, the star-patterned IKEA pan just wasn’t cutting it. So there you have it – the perfect omelette in a smaller pan. Oil, heated. Eggs, beaten. Whites, fried (until nearly white). Filling, added. Half, flipped. Count down from 30. Hey presto. 

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